The purpose of this disclosure is to provide you with information about some of the material conflicts of interest that may arise between you and EOX Holdings LLC in connection with EOX Holdings LLC performing services for you with respect to futures, options on futures, swaps, or other commodity derivatives.  Conflicts of interests can arise in particular when EOX Holdings LLC has an economic or other incentive to act, or persuade you to act, in a way that favors EOX Holdings LLC or its principals or associated persons.

EOX Holdings LLC receives commissions charged to customers.  Although EOX Holdings LLC is not in a position to direct the frequency and type of trading for customers, these commissions are for the benefit of EOX Holdings LLC.

As an independent introducing broker, EOX Holdings LLC may maintain separate clearing agreements with multiple Futures Commission Merchants (“FCMs”).  EOX Holdings LLC may establish different commission, clearing and execution costs with the FCMs.  It may be financially advantageous for EOX Holdings LLC to recommend one particular FCM over another FCM.  In addition, EOX Holdings LLC may not maintain an existing clearing agreement with an FCM of your choice and therefore may have an incentive to persuade you to use an FCM that EOX Holdings LLC has an existing clearing relationship.

Principals and/or Associated Persons of EOX Holdings LLC may hold additional registrations and may need to devote their time amongst several activities.

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